Privacy policy

Long story short: a cookie is added while you are on this site. But, I know nothing about you unless you tell me, such as by buying something so I can ship you stuff. Various programs also collect some non personal information about you, like your IP address. Every website does that, or else the internet wouldn't even work... Beyond that, I know nothing about you.

But obviously, I'm selling stuff here. So whatever info you give me (EXCEPT for credit card info): I will save it into my database for the purpose of shipping, handling, contacting you (an email is required at a minimum), sending tracking info, and so on. The only thing saved into my database is your contact info.

This website is PCI compliant, so credit card info is NOT stored. If you buy something from me, you will get a receipt on this website, and an emailed receipt. The one on this site won't show any personal details though. Only the emailed one will.

On the chance you want a bit more privacy, the following will describe how to do that, but before you get there...

A little about me, and my promises to you...

IF you start clicking links around here, you'll soon find out I'm a programmer among other things, and I'm a level 9,001 nerd (seriously, my I own a musket for home defense video is really cool. Go watch it for a good laugh). So you can be confident that whatever info you give me is pretty damn safe.

I will never sell or give away your info. Ever. Under any circumstances.

The only way anyone will ever get that from me is if I'm forced to by a court order, the payment processer I'm using requires it, or it's stolen, which are all unlikely. Nevertheless, every website has the possibility to get hacked, which is why nothing important is stored on my server. I always take certain precautions when buying anything online to mitigate potential damage, therefore...

If you want a little more privacy when buying online

Just use a gift card. I set up an option for it. For anything else, some of the following suggestions are at your own risk, and they apply to any place you shop. You'll understand when you get there.

If you buy from me on this site, your phone number is optional. I did that intentionally because I hate robo calls, etc., often caused by assholes who sell your info just so they can milk an extra penny out of you. But, I need an email at the bare minimum so I can email you a receipt, the instruction PDF (if you want that you must ask), etc. So here's how you maintain more privacy online...

Private email: the easiest option is to get a free Proton Mail account, and use my public key on my contact page. Learn how to use encrypted email with Proton elsewhere, as I will not teach you for free: you will have to hire me for an hour for that, and I am not cheap.

Private browsing: use Brave browser, and a VPN when using the internet, especially when buying anything or using public wifi.

Private buying: when using a credit, debit, or gift card... If you want to stay a bit more private, then the only info that has to be correct are ALL the numbers. Meaning the card number + security code + expiration month / year + zip code, and the billing / shipping address NUMBERS must be the same... If you have a gift card, the zip code must be the one one you registered it with. You can add a fake name if you want, or even a business name. That's true even with credit or debit cards. The only thing that must be correct are the NUMBERS, but I will still need the correct address if you want your product to arrive. Read on to see...

Private shipping: if you lived at 123 Main St. Dallas TX 99999, you could put 123 Willow St. Atlanta GA 99999 as your address, and it would go through. The only time it wouldn't is if they had a geolocation check to see if that address even exists, and most places don't go that far. You could even draw a picture in the signature box on the receipt if it was done in person... You just wouldn't get your package, so only do that if it's a digital item you want to test it on. BUT!!!!! If you use a fake name with your real address, you might run into problems getting your product if your ID is checked for whatever reason when receiving it, and it doesn't match. That might happen if your package had to go into a back room or something held by the shipping services (PO boxes, etc), and they demand proof you're the person it's being mailed to. So I suggest you use a real name with me. A business name works fine though too (just fill out your business name in the full name spot).

Odysee LBRY BIT CHUTE Rumble Brighteon Odysee / LBRY channel Odysee / LBRY channel Rumble channel Rumble channel Bitchute channel Bitchute channel Brighteon channel Brighteon channel YouTube channel YouTube channel Twitter / X Account Twitter / X Account

Sitemap. Copyright Native Pact 2025, including all coding, images, graphics, and all content, except where specified. Privacy Policy.

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I also accept shmekels. Just ask me first

*****Bitcoin shmekels*****

Bitcoin (BTC) – bc1qlas47vppph0xvfyc9u8gz6d8czd32gluavq3ts

BitcoinCash (BCH) – qp3vrzmadnh7metgj893ctqnlp8cpfh4cclph4mfy9

BitcoinCash (BCH - legacy) – 1A1B5XwxWnZUNY6skcV97H9cgT7sDSEFGW

*****Ethereum network shmekels*****

Ethereum (ETH) – 0x30C4D44946D3610508A4cEbc124F94e617eeCda2

Wrapped Bitcoin (WBTC) - same

Gemini Dollar (GUSD) – same

USDCoin (USDC) – same

BasicAttentionToken (BAT) – same, or this website (Brave Browser Verified Creator)

Paxos Dollar (USDP) – same

Dai (DAI) – same

Binance USD (BUSD) – same

*****Other shmekels*****

Litecoin (LTC) – LYHe9pcTRCE49VWR9dg52F167ocqpxgY6q

Ripple (XRP) – r4vSb7ViYoZy1smm49Ndc4qm71CfNt6SBM

Polkadot (DOT) – 1GwPecwfT2FQ4afFdvf2mJEe1fPTQgdrsh81rG9MmUCEoyF

Cardano (ADA) – addr1q9mglulpz9380r2l6dl6jdv3awc2ezjupwk96k8yr4tkhlnk3le7zytzw7x4l5ml4y6er6as4j99czavt4vwg82hd0lqs4fv2c

*****Privacy shmekels*****

Monero (XMR) - 44JMVrHgvwqMVvup2HTk4D4xcAeo5uJrqC6SortudQnC7PoVss6VY3f7fBaMvFpZ7L5Sxr4mUt3gxNVLAd9zV53qK6Nm9NE

Dash (DASH) - XviA8t6kaLfqRtPjMvucp4nbiXQB7bWe5b

Zcash (ZEC) – t1WSJzn6SjNBm9FE4QZS5H6ziu95f5u52cM

*****I swear I’m a real shmekel*****

ShitCoin (SHT, on ETH network) – 0x30C4D44946D3610508A4cEbc124F94e617eeCda2

Dogecoin (DOGE) – DPKKdjfRceeAiWrpw1pZ6XrYfGzeDLh2AK